We would love for more of your brands to offer content, but we need your help. Send your rep or brand contact an email using the Refer a Brand feature and tell them to support your store on Promoboxx!
Please note that submitting a referral is not a guarantee that a brand will be added to your account. A majority of referrals are made for brands that are not yet using Promoboxx. The purpose of this form is to acquire the correct contacts for a brand in order to get them on board, and onto your account, as quickly as possible!
How can I refer a brand?
- Login to Promoboxx
- On the left-hand side of your Dashboard, please click Suggest Brands
- Enter the brand name in the space labeled "Enter brand name" and then press enter
- Fill out the form with the information for your rep or contact for that brand. Please do not enter the email for your own business.
4. Press "Suggest This Brand". You may submit as many referrals as you'd like, the more the merrier!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Submitting a referral is a huge help to our team in getting you access to more brand contact. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to submit brand referrals.
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